The Geek Whisperer

Welcome Fellow Geeks!

Are you tired of playing video games alone, night after night?

You don't have to any more if you follow my system!

The Geek Whisperer's Get a Girlfriend Guide for Geeks Program!

I designed this Program as a simple process that takes you step-by-step to confidently win the heart of a woman who really gets and adores YOU!

"I had been a successful engineer for many years but when it came to dating,I didn't have much luck. These things come intuitively for other people but not me. I am very thankful for Janet's coaching because with her guidance, my girlfriend is now my wife!."

KEN - Systems Engineer



Go in Clark Kent, Come out Superman!

For Geeks Who Want To Warp Speed Their Confidence With Women...

Do you need a proven strategy to produce romantic results?

With the Get a Girlfriend Guide for Geeks Program, you’ll be guided step-by step to go boldly beyond your doubt and hesitation!

Does talking to woman make your brain hurt?

You will start developing the skill to feel comfortable in your own skin while connecting and talking to a woman.

You will become Geek and Proud!

It’s A Skill Not A Talent

This is where all Geeks get it wrong. You guys think the ability to attract great women is something you are either born with or you’re not. Wrong.

Janet proved this when she created the Get A Girlfriend Guide For Geeks, which is actually a systematic 4 part flowchart that lays out a logical process with sequential steps.

It’s a standardized process with repeatable steps. Practice them enough times and it becomes an ingrained skill.

At that point you have BECOME a natural, rather than it coming naturally.

This easy to follow systematic process installs a baseline for everything you're going to learn from the Geek Whisperer!

Learn this on your own until you break orbit!

What You Get in the

Get a Girlfriend Guide for Geeks Program

Discover and Transform Your Mojo Vibe

and get ready to meet her as we:

Emergency Date Strategy Call with Janet

  • Create Your Mojo Vibe
  • Discover Your Ideal Girlfriend Qualities
  • Upgrade Your Unique Style And Get Noticed
  • Research Places To Meet Women
  • EZ Methods on How to Connect With Her
  • Tips To Up Your Energy
  • Where To Find Events To Meet Local Women
  • Discover My One Secret Technique To Gain Her Interest
  • Introduce Yourself Powerfully
  • Guide The Conversation To Make You Memorable
  • Know When and How To Ask Her Out
  • Step by Step Follow-Up To Seal The First Date
  • Look Your Best For Your First Date
  • Fail-safe Tips To Being A Gentleman
  • Conversation Topics
  • When To Go In For The Kiss
  • And More!

Private Facebook Group

Only those in this Program will be in this Private Facebook Group! You can interact easily with your fellow heroes along the journey for support and encouragement!

An Emergency Date 911 Phone Call

Going on a date and need standby help...set it up in advance The Geek Whisperer will be ready to take your Date 911 call. Got a quick burning question...get it answered quick!*

How Many Specialists Have You Been To?

An honest question.

If you’re a Geek. Tell me how many dating and relationship coaches you have been to for advice that actually specialize in helping Geeks to succeed with women?

None? And you expected things to work out?

Come on, if you’re a true Geek, you’re smarter than that. You know a specialist is always better than a generalist because they know all the nuances that make or break the outcome.

Fortunately, through good luck or fate you have found The Geek Whisperer, and more importantly The Get a Girlfriend Guide for Geeks Program, the most effective of it’s kind.

Rumor has it Janet is actually from Venus…. Or maybe that’s all women.

In any case, she is better equipped to help the men from Mars specifically because she knows her own kind and being a Geek herself, she knows and understands all things Geek.

So what if YOU could melt a women with a hot stare like superman?

Geeks Get Results!

I had been a successful engineer for many years but when it came to dating,I didn't have much luck. Might come intuitively for other people but not me. I am very thankful for Janet's coaching because with her guidance, my girlfriend is now my wife!

Ken P.

Transportation Systems Engineer

Janet's coaching is so comprehensive. I can't say there was one thing that I owe my success to. All I can say is I'm thankful! If you keep an open mind, follow the instructions and keep communicating with Janet, you will see results that will change your life.

Akash S.

Software Sales Engineer

I was in Nashville for a conference, and had a wonderful time. The Mojo was definitely present at a new level, and without me even trying, 2 girls were fighting for my attention. Discretion prevents me from telling the rest. Excellent work Janet!

Doug B.

Director of Software Training

Janet More

The Geek Whisperer

I'm a Geek too!

Yes I am just like you! I have a Computer Science degree from the University of Texas and know all about things geek!​

From loving Star Trek, Harry Potter, Yoda and the latest Techno-Gadgets to being a Java Developer and Certified Scrum Master, I know how to speak geek and really understand how you think and feel!​

You are not alone!

I have been where you are and completely turned my confidence around and ever since have been mentoring singles for over 10 years... and I want to help YOU achieve success with attracting and keeping a girlfriend!

I have your back!

When dealing with your usual frustrations and disappointments when interacting with women, I will be there to pull you up with straight and direct communication!




Regular Price $197


$497 Value!

Complete Get a Girlfriend Guide for Geeks Program Including

  • 25 Training Videos with Janet as your Guide.
  • Simple to follow Flowchart for Getting a Girlfriend.
  • Emergency Date Strategy Call.
  • BONUS: eBook How To Talk To Women Like A Star Ship Captain - The 6 Conversations You Need To Go From Total Stranger To The Most Valued Man In Her Life

*Minimum 24 hours notice on Date 911 Calls with Janet.

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